
OFF! Repellent to Combat Dengue

by - 3:43:00 PM

Mosquitoes are one of the transmitters of the deadliest virus called Dengue. No matter how we protect ourselves by wearing long pants, long-sleeved clothes, and the like, this isn't just enough to keep ourselves free from the danger that these mosquitoes carry. 

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Dengue is an infectious tropical disease that is caused by the dengue virus. Such disease is transmitted by mosquitoes known as Aedes Aegypti which acts as vector in transmitting the virus. Dengue mosquitoes like to stay indoor and near humans. They rest in cool places such as under the tables, bed, furniture, laundry areas, wardrobes, and other places where moist is abundant. They often bite around legs, ankles, and feet. It is indeed difficult to determine whether a mosquito is a carrier of such disease, so we all must take extra care and keep ourselves apart from places where these mosquitoes dominantly stays. 

How do we prevent mosquitoes from multiplying? 

A lady mosquito lays 100 to 300 eggs at a time and 7 to 10 days is what it takes for an egg to develop to adult. What’s important to remember is that, the larvae that hatched from the eggs survive in stagnant water for them to become adults. If we keep our home clean and organized, or at least get rid of used containers with stagnant water, we are far from acquiring the disease and prevent mosquitoes from multiplying. Usually these mosquitoes spread and bite two hours after sunrise or before sunset. Always remember that they love to stay in cool places, dominantly where moist is present. So, better keep your children away from these places. 

How do we combat dengue? 

Prevention is better than cure! Keep away from mosquitoes, as much as possible, if traveling to tropical or subtropical places, wear clothes that cover up arms, legs, and neck. And most importantly, to keep yourself worry-free, use the widely recommended OFF! mosquito repellent. Contains 5% DEET and is available in unscented. Proven and tested in protecting families from the diseases carried by mosquitoes and other insects. 
It’s always best to keep your self safe and healthy. Keep your family free from mosquito bites, protect them with OFF! Protection that lasts for 24 hours which doesn't leave stain, nor unwanted odour.

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