Challenges of Multidimensional Changes as we Age

by - 3:10:00 PM

We can never stop the time from running and stay the same age we wanted.  As we age, accumulation of changes take place and that’s something out of our control.  Multidimensional changes are apparently seen physiologically, psychologically, and even socially.

When people age, they tend to be impatient and and opinionated, they are more prone to disputation.  Elderlies face vision and hearing problems which are essential in surviving in the society we live in.  And the most common among elderlies, are the illnesses they endure.  These illnesses are the cause of being impatient, hot-tempered, and moody.  What are the illnesses that they endure? Let me list and define briefly the 4 most common illnesses and some of their usual causes.
  • Rheumatism  -  a disorder affecting the joints and connective tissues.
    • Causes:  too much acid-forming foods, heredity factors, teeth infection, hormonal imbalance
  • Arthritis  -  a joint disorder that has something to do with inflammation of one or more joints.
    • Causes:  genetic or inherited, overactive immune system, relevance to chemical imbalance
  • Fibrositis - are a group of disorders characterized by chronic widespread aches and pains in the     muscles, muscle sheath and connective tissues of tendons, muscles, bones and joints, with associated tenderness.[1]
    • Causes:  the cause of fibrositis is still unknown, but may be triggered by physical or mental stress, lack of sleep, exposure to dampness or cold
  • Lumbago - a mild to severe pain or discomfort in the area of the lower back.[2]
    • Causes:  slipped disc, osteoporosis, scoliosis, or by tumours or infection in the spinal area.

Ageing is one of the great challenges that our society is facing.  We've got nothing to do with it but be more wise with the way we live our lives.  These illnesses are accompanied by the changes that take place as we age.  They may not be easily cured, but they may be relieved temporarily by applying cream.  Physician consultation is highly recommended before applying any cream especially to those with sensitive skin.

Taking care of elderlies is like taking care of babies.  Just like babies, they’re fragile and independent.  Everyone of us will soon be facing the elderly life, let us not ignore or be cruel to them.  Let’s be more patient and understanding instead, just like how they took care of us when we were just a kid.  Always remember that everyone will face the reality that life has an end.  Making their elderly life meaningful gives them a life well-lived.  Let us take care of them the way we wanted to be taken cared of when we face ageing.

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