There's something about combing you should know
Did you know that combing your hair
holds more benefits than what we usually know? Combing hair is one form of
straightening and having the strands finer.
Aside from helping you straighten your hair, it gives you a relaxing
feeling as it massages your scalp.
Combing prevents your hair from tangles and frizz. One more thing is that when you regularly
comb your hair, it produces natural oil which makes your hair shinier and your
scalp healthier.
are commonly made of plastic so it will be gentle on scalp. Combing relieves stress when you’re
tired. It also helps in blood
circulation at the top of the head.
Other people does this as often as possible as they want their hair to
grow faster. And to add, combing hair is
usually done at night before bedtime of those having trouble sleeping.